The superpowers of middle age

I know this is not simply a change in direction but more of a swerve, but I thought I’d try something out here.

I am wondering if there is a “don’t let the muggles know”-style secret about being a middle-aged woman.  Why didn’t anyone mention the additional abilities and powers which start to manifest after the age of 45?

And I’m not talking about suddenly becoming invisible.

So, first there was the fact that people really started to listen to me – so at work, something which might have previously taken a couple of goes to explain, was suddenly agreed to straight away, no questions asked.  And it kept happening.

And then the smuggling…we’re not talking hardcore contraband, more the odd bottle of fizz (or two) for a festival with a no-glass onsite policy.  A few years ago I realised I could simply invite the security chaps to search through the coolbox and they would just let me through, no questions asked.

Going back to work-stuff for a minute, all of a sudden I’m getting positive feedback about being clear and straightforward, about “holding no punches” when giving advice to city types, whereas previously either I might well have pussy-footed around the questions, or I would have been accused have being too aggressive.

Is it just me, or is this just a few of the benefits of the superpower of being a middle-aged woman?

(i might cover the sexy bits next time ;-))



A brief moment in time

Some relationships become important because of the passage of time. Many people rate their relationships that way. Other relationships are just important. It might be one meeting, or three, or five but it could be one of the most significant points in your life.

It’s easy to talk about quality not quantity but it’s not as easy to describe the real feelings and sensations behind that.

Sometimes just a brief moment in time can become one of the key points in your life. A look, a kiss, a touch.  Meeting a person and knowing they can see right into you, second guess your thoughts and feelings and anticipate your vulnerabilities and needs.

One of the images locked indelibly into my mind is of you looking directly into my eyes. How could I ever be anywhere else? How could I ever want to be anywhere else? How did it ever end?

But most things come to an end. Not always gracefully, not easily, but they do.  Some after only a handful of meetings. But that isn’t a reason to regret those moments, that valuable, life-changing connection.  It’s a reason to treasure them and the people who made them possible.

Thinking of a very special person this evening xxx


A post by Megan Morgan – nice :-)

It’s Friday, so let’s have a little fun! Do you get the same weird questions over and over? Do the well-meaning people in your life ask you baffling things on a regular basis? Not sure how to respond? Well, here’s a helpful list of comebacks you can use the next time you get one of […]

via The Top 10 Things People Say to Writers, and How You Should Respond — Megan Morgan